The NALC HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN is here to support our members in getting the care they need.
As a result of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the Plan has made it a priority to remove any barriers that would prevent our members from getting the necessary testing.
We will now cover physician ordered diagnostic testing at 100% of the Plan allowance for patients that meet the CDC guidelines for COVID-19. We will also cover the associated office visit at 100% of the Plan allowance. If you use a PPO provider, your office visit copayment will be waived. If you use a non-PPO provider, we will pay 100% of the Plan’s allowance for the office visit.
CVS Pharmacy is now offering the option of home delivery, where available, of all prescription medications at no charge. We are also waiving early refill limits on 30-day prescriptions for maintenance medication prescriptions ahead of their normal fill schedule. Please take advantage of our 90-day prescription benefit for maintenance medications and be sure to refill any eligible 90-day maintenance medications to be sure that you stay adherent during this pandemic.
As long as COVID-19 continues to pose a threat, the Plan will maintain focus on how to best serve our members.
For the latest information about COVID-19 from the CDC visit